
The river-god Hebros resting 

On the reverse side of a bronze coin dated to the time of the Roman emperor Geta, the river-god Hebros is depicted sitting on a throne. He is looking to his right. He holds a sceptre of reed in his right hand and rests his left hand on a hydria with running water. The inscription ΑVΓΟVϹΤΗϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΗϹ indicates the city’s name Augusta Traiana, a Roman city of the Province of Thrace (modern Stara Zagora in Bulgaria).

Caption Bronze coin from Augusta Traiana city with the river-god Hebros seated, resting on a hydria with running water

Mythic people Hebrus (God)

Type Coin

Artist/Creator mint of Augusta Traiana

Current position private collection B. Awianowicz, Toruń

Dating 209-211 AD


Coin cn coin 28212 < Corpus Nummorum

Schönert-Geiß, Die Münzprägung von Augusta Traiana und Traianopolis, Βερολίνο 1991 σ. 124, αρ. 451.
Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins and their Values II 2. Thrace (from Abdera to Pautalia), Bourgas 2005 σ. 112, αρ. 1354.
Ιδιοκτήτης νομίσματος:
private collection B. Awianowicz, Toruń, Toruń, pl. Provenience: Nomos, Obolos 10, lot 266 (30.06.2018).

Points of interest


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