Ecclesiastical Museum of the Holy Metropolis of Maronia and Komotini  
Other   Madrassah  


Relics of Christianity in Imaret

One of the oldest Ottoman monuments in Thrace. It is in the western part of the city, near the walls of the Byzantine castle. During the Bulgarian occupation, part of it was converted into a chapel and later an ice factory. The rest of its premises were given to the Electricity Service until 1973.

Nowadays, Imaret is Ecclesiastical Museum of the Diocese of Maroneia and Komotini with church exhibits from the 16th to the 20th century (icons, holy utensils, vestments, manuscripts etc). It includes three rooms, the West room, the East room and the old ice factory.

The builsing dates from 1360-1380. According to written sources, it was built by the conqueror of the city, Gazi Evrenos. Throughout its long history it has undergone modifications and changes in its use. At the end of the 19th century, its eastern part was converted into a Christian chapel where the Bulgarian conquerors honored Saint Voris. In 1924 this was part of the neighboring ice factory while the rest of Imaret was used by the Electricity Service for about 50 years until 1973. Since 1999 houses the Ecclesiastical Museum of Komotini.

In the Ecclesiastical Museum objects from the churches of the Metropolis of Maronia and Komotini, as well as donations of the refugees, mainly icons and sacred items that they brought from their unforgettable homelands are exhibited. The museum is supervised by the Holy Diocese of Komotini and Maronia. The exhibits are portable icons, vestments, sacred vessels and manuscripts. They date from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century. The collection was established in 1962 and was initially hosted at the Metropolitan Mansion of Komotini and in 1987 at the ecclesiastical housing "The Three Hierarchs". The Museum was established in 1996 by decision of the Holy Synod of the Church and publication in the Government Gazette. The Ottoman monument Imaret was granted for its housing. The museum has been operating since 1999. 


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