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Reference texts

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Title   Myth   Author   Type 
Orphica Argonautica 671-679 Phineus Epic poerty
Orphica Argonautica 70-82 Orpheus Epic poerty
Extracts from Dionysius Periegetes 322 Thrace Eustathios of Thessalonica Byzantine scholia
Extracts from Homer’s Iliad 1.565.7-8 Phyllis Eustathios of Thessalonica Ancient scholia
Extracts from Homer’s Iliad 673.51 Ares Eustathios of Thessalonica Ancient scholia
Extracts from Homer’s Odyssey 314.31-32 Ares Eustathios of Thessalonica Ancient scholia
Patria of Constantinople fr. 17 Haemus Hesychius of Miletus Historiography
On Incredible Tales 22 Phineus Palaephatus Encyclopedic writings
On Incredible Tales 31 Bendis Palaephatus Encyclopedic writings
On Incredible Tales 7 Diomedes Palaephatus Encyclopedic writings
Of the Sorrows of Love 36.1-6 Rhesus Parthenius Mythography
Of the Sorrows of Love 6.1 Sithon Parthenius Mythography
On Animals 15.25 Diomedes Aelian Encyclopedic writings
On Dance 51-52 Orpheus Lucian of Samosata Scientific writings (medicine, grammar, architecture, etc.)
On the Names of Rivers and Mountains 1.3 Hebrus Pseudo-Plutarch Encyclopedic writings
On the Names of Rivers and Mountains 11.2 Haemus Pseudo-Plutarch Encyclopedic writings
On the Names of Rivers and Mountains 11.2 Rhodope Pseudo-Plutarch Encyclopedic writings
On the Names of Rivers and Mountains 3.2 Pangaeus Pseudo-Plutarch Encyclopedic writings
On the Names of Rivers and Mountains 3.4 Orpheus Pseudo-Plutarch Encyclopedic writings
Peri ton simeion ton tis Iliados kai Odysseias 11.226 Cisseus Aristonicus Scientific writings (medicine, grammar, architecture, etc.)
Title Myth Author Type
Total records: 405
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