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Reference texts

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Title   Myth   Author   Type 
Aeneid 6.667-679 Musaeus Virgil Epic poerty
Amores 2.18.31-32 Phyllis Ovid Elegy
Argonautica 1.574-578 Boreas Valerius Flaccus Epic poerty
Argonautica 1.597-607 Boreas Valerius Flaccus Epic poerty
Ars amatoria 2.129-144 Rhesus Ovid Elegy
Ars Amatoria 2.353-354 Phyllis Ovid Elegy
Ars Amatoria 3.37-38 Phyllis Ovid Elegy
Ars Amatoria 3.459-460 Phyllis Ovid Elegy
Astronomica 2.20.1 Edonians Hyginus Mythography
Astronomica 2.7.1 Orpheus Hyginus Scientific writings (medicine, grammar, architecture, etc.)
Odes 1.12.3-12 Orpheus Horace Lyric poetry
Odes 3.24.34-44 Boreas Horace Lyric poetry
Odes 3.25.7-14 Rhodope Horace Lyric poetry
Cento Nuptialis 22-26 Orpheus Ausonius Epic poerty
De chorographia 2.29 Diomedes Pomponius Mela Scientific writings (medicine, grammar, architecture, etc.)
De excidio Troiae historia 18 Euphemus Dares Phrygius Historiography
De Lingua Latina 5.73.10 Ares Varro Scientific writings (medicine, grammar, architecture, etc.)
De natura deorum 3.45 Rhesus Cicero Philosophical writings
De Orpheo 1-12 Orpheus Palladius Epic poerty
De raptu Proserpinae 1.130-140 Ares Claudian Epic poerty
Title Myth Author Type
Total records: 405
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