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Title   Myth   Publication year   Type  
The Oxford classical dictionary Euphemus 1999 Dictionary
The Oxford classical dictionary Rhesus 1999 Dictionary
The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology, based on H.J. Rose's Handbook of Greek mythology Polymestor 2004 Book
The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology, based on H.J. Rose's Handbook of Greek mythology Ares 2004 Book
The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology, based on H.J. Rose's Handbook of Greek mythology Boreas 2004 Book
The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology, based on H.J. Rose's Handbook of Greek mythology Tereus 2004 Book
The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology, based on H.J. Rose's Handbook of Greek mythology Phineus 2004 Book
The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology, based on H.J. Rose’s Handbook of Greek mythology Hero 2004 Book
The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology, based on H.J. Rose’s Handbook of Greek mythology Phyllis 2004 Book
Archaia Elliniki Mythologia. Thrakes. Akamantas Acamas Online
Elliniki Mythologia Phyllis 2000 Book
Elliniki Mythologia Sithon 1986 Book
Elliniki Mythologia. O Troikos polemos Dionysus 1986 Book
Elliniki Mythologia. Oi Iroes Ismarus 1986 Book
Elliniki Mythologia. Oi Iroes Thamyris 1986 Book
Elliniki Mythologia. Oi Iroes Hebrus 1986 Book
Elliniki Mythologia. Oi Iroes Polymestor 1986 Book
Elliniki Mythologia. Oi Iroes Edonians 1986
Elliniki Mythologia. Oi Iroes-Topikes Paradoseis Phyllis 1986 Book
Elliniki Mythologia. Oi Iroes-Topikes Paradoseis Phineus 1986 Book
Title Myth Publication year Type
Total records: 205
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