The topic of the mosaic is the wedding of Dionysus with Ariadne, the daughter of the Cretan king Minoas. In the center of the scene, Dionysus and Ariadne are sitting next to each other on a rock. The winged Pothos (Lust) is behind them with a torch in his left hand. To the right of Ariadne, Maron stands wearing himation and chiton. He looks like a Silenus and he probably personifies the agricultural bounty of Thrace, the birthplace of Dionysus and a region celebrated in antiquity for the high quality of its wine. In front of them, the god Eros and the drunken Herakles are depicted. Each figure is identified by an inscription.
Caption Mοsaic floor with a scene depicting the wedding of Dionysus and Ariadne, Maron being present
Mythic people Dionysos (Deity) ,Maron (Priest, King)
Type Mosaic
Origin Shahba (Philippopolis), Syria
Current position Shahba Mosaic Museum, Shahba (Syria)
Dating 200-300 AD