
Prokne and Philomela as Aedon and Chelidon 

Τerracotta metope with painted decoration from the temple of Apollo at Thermos of Aetolia with Prokne and Philomela as Aedon and Chelidon, 630-625 BC

In a painted terracota metope from the archaic temple at Thermos, Prokne and Philomela, the daughters of the Athenian king Pandion, are depicted just before their metamorphosis (transformation) into nightingale and swallow respectively. The two sisters are sitting opposite each other, to the left Prokne (Aedon) and to the right Philomela (Chelidon). Adove the right figure there is the inscription XELIDFON.

Caption Τerracotta metope with painted decoration from the temple of Apollo at Thermos of Aetolia with Prokne and Philomela as Aedon and Chelidon

Mythic people Prokne (Heroine), Itys (Hero), Philomela (Heroine) ,Tereus (King)

Type Other

Origin Temple of Apollo, Thermos, Aetolia

Current position National Archaeological Museum, Athens

Index number 13410

Dating 630-625 BC



Andrew F. Stewart, Greek Sculpture: An Exploration, Yale 1990, fig 76

Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού | Θέρμος (

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