reference texts
reference texts

In Vergili Aeneidos librum commentarius 3.51


THREICIO REGI: auxit ex provincia crudelitatem, ex qua fuerunt Diomedes, qui equos habebat, qui humanis carnibus vescebantur; Lycurgus ob iniuriam Liberi patris punitus.

Translation in Greek

THREICIO REGI: η βαρβαρότητα οφείλεται στην περιοχή, όπου έζησαν ο Διομήδης, του οποίου τα άλογα τρέφονταν με ανθρώπινο κρέας, αλλά και ο Λυκούργος, ο οποίος τιμωρήθηκε επειδή αδίκησε τον πατέρα Διόνυσο. 

Translation in English

THREICIO REGI: the province bred the barbarity from which sprang Diomedes, “who had horses, which were fed on human flesh”, and Lycurgus, who had been punished for the injury he did to Father Dionysus.

Author: Servius

Language : Latin

Text type: Ancient scholia

Points of interest


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