
Orpheus and Thracians 

On the main side of the crater Orpheus is located sitting on a rock  and playing his lyre. He wears himation and a laurel wreath in his head. His audience includes three men with lances, one of whom has brought his horse and another sets his foot on the rock. Their clothing consists of a short chitoniskos, woolen coat, fox fur cap (alopekis) and soft boots (endromides). This costume is not Greek, but belongs to the Thracians. Orpheus used to enchant with his musical talent not only men, but also animal and nature, hence the turtle and the stone under the rock of Orpheus stand.

Caption Colonette red-figured crater with Orpheus and Thracians

Mythic people Orpheus (Musician)

Type Clay object

Artist/Creator Naples Painter, Attic workshop

Origin Sicily

Current position The Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg

Index number 1968.79

Dating 450 BC


Γι' αυτό το αντικείμενο βλ.: Kolonettenkrater (Orpheus und die Thraker / Manteljünglinge)-Sammlung online

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