
Orpheus seated holding lyra 

On the obverse of this coin, Orpheus is depicted seated on a rock. He is wearing a phrygian cap, in a belted robe (chiton) and cloak (himation). In the left arm he is holding a lyra. In the reverse side a winged horse (Pegasus) to the right.


Caption Gold stater of Lampsakos depicting Orpheus seated and holding lyra

Mythic people Orpheus (Musician)

Type Coin

Artist/Creator Lampsakos mint

Origin Lampsakos, Mysia

Current position Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen, Nomisma NDP Coin Galleries Altes Museum, Berlin

Index number 18215944

Dating 387-334 BC


Για περαιτέρω πληροφορίες του νομίσματος βλ.

Corpus Nummorum

Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin

Points of interest


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