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Cento Nuptialis 22-26


Postquam exempta fames et amor compressus edendi,
crateras magnos statuunt Bacchumque ministrant.
sacra canunt, plaudunt choreas et carmina dicunt.
nec non Thraeicius longa cum veste sacerdos                     
obloquitur numeris septem discrimina vocum.

Translation in Greek

Αφού η πείνα απομακρύνθηκε και καταλάγιασε η επιθυμία του φαγητού, στήνουν μεγάλους κρατήρες και σερβίρουν κρασί. Ύμνους τραγουδούν, χειροκροτούν τους χορωδούς και λένε τραγούδια. Ακόμα και ο θρακιώτης ιερέας με τον μακρύ του μανδύα συνοδεύει με τους εφτά ρυθμούς του τα τραγούδια τους.

Translation in English

When their hunger had been satisfied and the desire for food allayed, / great mixing bowls were set up and wine was served.  / Now they sing hymns of praise, applaud the dancers, raise their voices in song. / Even the Thracian priest in his long robe / bends his seven steps to accompany their various songs.

Author: Ausonius

Language : Latin

Text type: Epic poerty

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