Wild pig, common wild pig, Eurasian pig, wild swine  

Wild boar 

The wild boar (lat. Sus scrofa) also known as wild pig, common wild pig, Eurasian pig, or wild swine, is an omnivorous mammal that lives in forests in the wild. It is the ancestor of the domestic pig. It normally weighs over 200 kg and it can reach 180 cm in length. Wild pigs have an average lifespan of about 10 years.

The underside of his hair is short and soft but is covered by an extra layer of hair that is long and hard. The color of the animal can be brown, brownish red, black, or gray. The wild boar has four strong fangs, of which the upper ones are larger and turn downwards.

The wild boar can run fast and has a particularly sharp sense of smell.

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