
Orpheus is being told of Eurydice's death 

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On a 16th-century plate, the musician Orpheus is depicted being informed of the death of his beloved Eurydice. He's sitting on a rock to the right, holding the violin bow, with the violin resting beside him. On the left, Eurydice lies dead on the ground. There is a personification of the river in the center. The city's buildings can be seen in the background, with obvious influences from 16th-century architecture.

The iconography is inspired by Ovid's Metamorphoses. The scene and inscription on the reverse are from the work "La favola di Orfeo" (The Orpheus' tale)  by the Italian poet and humanist Angelo Poliziano (1479-1480).

Caption Glazed painted plate with Orpheus being told of Eurydice's death

Mythic people Orpheus (Musician)

Type Other

Artist/Creator Painter of the Planet Venus (1544-1555), workshop of Girolamo dalle Gabicce

Origin Pesaro, Italy

Current position The British Museum, London

Index number 1878,1230.441

Dating 1545 AD


plate | British Museum

Το έργο "La favola di Orfeo" (Η ιστορία του Ορφέα) του Angelo Poliziano μεταφέρθηκε στην όπερα το 1932 από τον Alfredo Casella

βλ. αντίστοιχη όπερα στο ΜΥΘΟΤΟΠΙΑ La favola di Orfeo (?p=opera&id=135)

Casella - La favola d'Orfeo - libretto (

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το έργο "La favola di Orfeo" του Poliziano βλ. 

Fabula di Orfeo - Wikipedia

Fabula di Orfeo, in Stanze, Orfeo, Rime, a cura di Davide Puccini, Garzanti, Milano 1992 (

Points of interest


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