reference texts
reference texts

Natural History 30.7


Orphea putarem e propinquo artem primum intulisse ad vicina usque superstitionis ac medicinae provectum, si non expers sedes eius tota Τhrace magices fuisset.

Translation in Greek

Θα πίστευα πως ο Ορφέας ήταν αυτός που πρώτος διέδωσε την τέχνη (ενν. της μαγείας) στους γείτονές του και ότι η δεισιδαιμονία προήλθε από την ιατρική, αν όλη η Θράκη, η πατρίδα του Ορφέα, δεν ήταν αμόλυντη από μαγικές πρακτικές.

Translation in English

I would believe that Orpheus was the first to carry the craft to his near neighbours, and that his superstition grew from medicine, if the whole of Thrace, the home of Orpheus, had not been untainted by magic.

Author: Pliny the Elder

Language : Latin

Text type: Encyclopedic writings

Points of interest


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