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Extracts from Homer’s Odyssey 314.31-32


Ὁ μέν (Ἄρης), Θρήκῃνδε βεβήκει, Ἄρεος γάρ οἰκητήριον ἡ Θράκη διά τό τοῦ ἔθνους, ὡς πολλαχοῦ φαίνεται, φιλοπόλεμον.

Translation in Greek

Αυτός (δηλ. ο Άρης) είχε φτάσει και στη Θράκη· η Θράκη θεωρούνταν σπίτι του Άρη, αφού ο λαός της, όπως φαίνεται από πολλές περιστάσεις, ήταν φιλοπόλεμος. 

Translation in English

He (i.e. Ares) had also arrived in Thrace; Thrace was considered his home, since the Thracians, as can be seen on many occasions, were a warlike people.

Author: Eustathios of Thessalonica

Language : Ancient Greek

Text type: Ancient scholia

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