A mosaic floor with Orpheus wearing oriental clothes and playing his lyre, was found outside Cirencester. He tames the animals and birds around him with his music.
Caption Mosaic floor with Orpheus taming the wild animals with his lyre
Mythic people Orpheus (Musician)
Type Mosaic
Origin Cirencester(United Kingdom)
Current position Corinium Museum, Cirencester
Index number 2015/71
Dating 4th c. AD
Orpheus Mosaic - Corinium Museum
Corinium Museum in Cirencester (FOLLOWING HADRIAN)
Για το ψηφιδωτό δάπεδο που βρέθηκε στη Brading Roman Villa, νήσος Wight του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου (3ος-4ος αι. μ.Χ.), βλ. Brading Roman Villa - Mosaics & DIGITAL LIMC ID: 22185