
Boreas is present in the creation of the first human by Prometheus 

The scene of the mosaic is an allegory for the fertility of the earth. Ge (Earth) is depicted at the center surrounded by four young children (Karpoi, personifications of fruits of the earth) holding fruits in their hands. To the left, the personalized Aion (Century) sits holding a wheel, and to the right Prometheus creates the Protoplast (First Man), that is the preform of man. At the top of the mosaic, two Cupids are depicted in the center, who are so -called Drosoi, and the four heads of the personified winds: Notos (south wind), Euros (eastern wind), Zephyros (west wind) and Boreas (north wind) on the right corner above. The scene is enriched with four winged female figures, the Tropai (personifications of the solstices, that is, the intervals in mid -summer and winter), as well as Georgia (Agriculture) with Triptolemos, and Hermes with Psyche (Soul).

Caption Roman mosaic from Philippopolis of Syria with Boreas being present in the creation of the first human by Prometheus

Mythic people Triptolemus (Hero), Eros (Deity), Hermes (Deity), Prometheus (Deity), Psyche (Heroine) ,Boreas  (Deity)

Type Mosaic

Origin Shahba (ancient Philippopolis), Syria

Current position National Museum of Damascus, Syria

Index number 5929

Dating 240-260 AD



Quet, Marie-Henriette 1999. La mosaïque dite d'Aiôn de Shahba-Philippopolis, Philippe l'Arabe et la conception hellène de l'ordre du Monde, en Arabie, à l'aube du christianisme. Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz 10, 269-330.

Quet, Marie-Henriette 2000. Le triptolème de la mosaïque dite d'AIÖN et l'affirmation identitaire Héllène à Shahba-Philippopolis . Syria 77, 181-200.

Points of interest


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