Marble sarcophagus with relief decoration of the deeds of Herakles. One of his deeds depicted on the long side is the defeat of Diomedes and the capture of his horses. Herakles grabs Diomedes, who is fallen on his knees fully armed. In the background, two of the horses of Diomedes feed at a manger.
Caption Relief sarcophagus fragment with Herakles defeating Diomedes and capturing his horses
Mythic people Herakles (Hero) ,Diomedes (King)
Type Sarcophagus
Origin Phrygia
Current position British Museum, London
Index number 1800,0712.1
Dating 150-155 AD
Για την βιβλιογραφία βλ. LIMC V1, σελ. 70, 2246 (αναφέρει την Αθήνα ως τόπο προέλευσης και τον αρ. κατ. ΒΜ 2301, ο οποίος προέρχεται από το Sculpture / Catalogue of Greek Sculpture in the British Museum | British Museum).
Πληροφορίες διαθέσιμες στον σύνδεσμο: sarcophagus | British Museum
Points of interest