Ephemeris belli Troiani 3.4
Dein Idomeneus adhibito equis Merione Acamanta Thracum regem deicit, ruentique telo occurrit atque ita interficit.
Translation in Greek
Έπειτα ο Ιδομενέας, με ηνίοχο τον Μηριόνη, σκότωσε τον Ακάμαντα, τον βασιλιά των Θρακών. Τον έριξε κάτω από το άρμα του και, καθώς έπεφτε, τον πρόλαβε και τον σκότωσε με το δόρυ του.
Translation in English
Then Idomeneus (Meriones was his charioteer) killed Acamas, the king of the Thracians. He threw him from his chariot and caught him, as he fell, on the tip of his spear.