
Ancient Traianoupolis 

The Imperial Traianoupolis

In the place where an older Thracian city existed, the emperor Trajan founded the city named after him in the 2nd century AD.

The ruins of ancient Traianoupolis can be seen north of the Evros Delta. Next to the road that connected the western and eastern provinces of the empire, the Egnatia Odos, it developed into an important administrative center. The progress and development of the city continued for many centuries. From the 13th century the city was targeted by the Bulgarians and the Turks. After the middle of the 14th century Traianoupolis was deserted and abandoned. During the Ottoman rule the thermal baths, the Hana of Traianoupolis built by Gazi Ahmed Evrenos Beg or Hadji Gazi Evrenos.



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