

Kalambaki, a great milestone in the history of the region Kalambaki has been inhabited since prehistoric times. In the Kalambak Tepe mound there are indications of a settlement of the Neolithic period, from the 5th millennium BC. Also exhibits in the Archaeological Museum of Drama from here reveal the importance of the area through the centuries. 

Apart from a Corinthian helmet of the 5th century BC, two very important finds come from Kalambaki. From the Hellenistic period, and specifically  the 3rd century BC, a milestone was found. It is a stone column with carved inscriptions. On one side is written the distance to Philippi and on the other to Amphipolis. These were the two big cities of the time in this area. From Kalambaki that is long before the creation of the Roman Via Egnatia passed road built by the Macedonian kings.  

But also during the Roman period the Via Egnatia passed through here. A similar find, a miliario, comes from Kalambaki. Miliaria were milestones placed at the edge of the Egnatia. Apart from the distance, they contained information about the repair of the road and who financed it. The one found in Kalambaki mentions the Emperor Trajan and dates back to 112 AD. 

Dikili Tash Excavations

Ministry of Culture


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