
A Boread is chasing a Harpy. 

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The iconographical theme of this amphora is the chase of the Harpies by the Boreads. On one side of the vessel, one of the two sons of Boreas, either Zetes or Kalais, is depicted winged while running. He wears a short chitoniskos, fawn skin (nebris) and a red flat band (taenia) on his head. He is chasing one of the Harpies who ate the food of the Thracian king Phineus and she is depicted on the other side of the amphora. Harpy is winged too. She runs to the right, trying to escape from the Boread. She is dressed similarly to the Boread and she holds a wreath with her left hand.

Caption Attic black-figured amphora with a scene depicting a Boread chasing a Harpy.

Mythic people Boreas  (Deity)

Type Clay object

Artist/Creator Attic workshop

Origin Amathus (Limassol), Cyprus

Current position British Museum, London

Index number 1894,1101.161

Dating 550-520 BC



British Museum 1894,1101.161, amphora

Τσιαφάκη Δ. 1998. Η Θράκη στην αττική αγγειογραφία του 5ου αι. π.Χ. Κομοτηνή. σελ. 167, Σημ. 777.

Points of interest


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