
Ancient city of Thassos 

The significant city of Thassos

The ancient city of Thassos was colonized in the 7th c. BC by inhabitants from Paros. The settler was Telesiklis, the father of the poet Archilochos, who, while participating in the second colonization, described in his poems the problems the first settlers faced. During the classical period, in the 5th and 4th century BC, the city established new colonies on the coast of Thrace. It experienced great economic growth thanks to its geographical location and the exploitation of gold deposits in Thrace. However, Thassos was frequently involved in conflicts with powerful forces, such as the Persians, later the Athenians and the Spartans, resulting in the loss of its possessions and its fleet, as well as the demolition of the defensive city walls.

Thassos developed during the Hellenistic and Roman period. Although it was destroyed by the invasion of the Herules in 267AD, it recovered by the beginning of the 7th century when it declined again. The reasons for the recession are due either to seismic activity or to Slavic raids followed by those of Arabs and Saracens. From the 9th century AD instability prevailed as it became a base, sometimes for the Byzantines, sometimes for the pirates. From the 14th century the Genoese appeared as claimants and a little later, in 1455, the Ottomans. The latter occupied Thassos until 1770. During these three centuries the island was deserted. 

Among the most important monuments of the ancient city are the Agora, the Acropolis, the Theater, the Odeon and the sanctuaries of the gods such as the temple of Heracles, of Dionysus, of Artemis and that of Poseidon.

Below the theater were the sanctuary of Dionysus, choragic monuments and altars. 

The sanctuary of Demeter and Kore has been located at Cape Evreokastro, in the part of the city that was outside the walls. 

South of the sanctuary of Heracles a part of the walls of the 5th c. BC is preserved. Remains of the walls are visible in other areas in the city with the towers and entrance gates. The gates are remarkable as they have reliefs of deities and heroes, such as Zeus and Hera, Hermes and Charites or Gracies, Silenus. 

The district near the Gate of Hermes and the Graces should be mentioned for its road construction, as well as the district near the Gate of Silinos where houses, shops and workshops were found.

Ministry of Culture

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