
Archaeological Museum of Thassos 

Where the history of Thassos comes alive 

At the Archaeological Museum of Thassos, visitors are welcomed in the first room by the oversized archaic Kouros, 3.5 m high, holding in his hands a young ram. The statue was found in 1911, dates back to 600 BC.

The findings from the excavations throughout the island are exhibited in the remaining 16 rooms and in the courtyard of the Museum. They cover all periods from the Paleolithic era to the Byzantine times and all the archeological sites of Thassos. In addition to sculptures and pottery, the visitor can see rich supervisory material from photographs, drawings, representations and texts that explain and complement the exhibits, reconstructing the daily life of the ancient inhabitants of the island and their burial customs. Also in other rooms are presented various aspects such as the economy, religious life or activities that flourished in Thassos and these were the production of wine, pottery and generally the production of pottery (tiles, vases, statuettes). Marble sculpture experienced special development due to the quality and quantity of marble deposits. 

A few words about the history of the Museum

When the archeological excavations on the island started by the French School, in 1911, the ground floor of the 1st Primary School of Limenas was used as a museum. Since then the museum has developed as new wings were built to display the findings as well as warehouses, study rooms, offices and maintenance laboratories.

The old wing was built in 1935 to house the findings of the first excavations. The new wing was completed in 1999 and between 2003 and 2009 the new permanent exhibition was designed and implemented.

Greek Archaeological Museums

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