
Kabeiros holds a rhyton and a hammer 

On the reverse of a bronze coin dated to the time of the Roman emperor Gordian III, one of the Kabeiroi is depicted to the left. He holds rhyton in his right hand and a hammer in his left. On the ground there is a lighted altar to the left and an elephant tusk on base to the right. One can read the inscription ΘƐϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚƐΩΝ (by the citizens of Thessaloniki).

Caption Bronze coin from Thessaloniki depicting Kabeiros holding a rhyton and a hammer

Mythic people Cabeiri (Divinities)

Type Coin

Artist/Creator mint of Thessaloniki

Origin Macedonia

Current position Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen, Berlin

Index number 18208286

Dating 238-241 AD


RPC — Type: 27797 (

MK-B | Thessaloniki (

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