Punica 4.430-444
Haec rerum sator. at Mauors in proelia currus
Odrysia tellure uocat. tum fulminis atri
spargentem flammas clipeum galeamque deorum
haud ulli facilem multoque labore Cyclopum sudatum thoraca capit quassatque per auras
Titanum bello satiatam sanguinis hastam
atque implet curru campos. exercitus una
Irarum Eumenidesque simul letique cruenti
innumerae facies, frenisque operata regendis quadriiugos atro stimulat Bellona flagello.
fertur ab immenso tempestas horrida caelo
nigrantisque globos et turbida nubila torquens
inuoluit terras. quatitur Saturnia sedes
ingressu tremefacta dei, ripasque relinquit audito curru fontique relabitur amnis.
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Thus spoke the Father of all things. And straightway Mars summoned his chariot from the land of the Odrysae. Then he took the shield that scatters flames of terrible lightning; he put on the helmet too heavy for any other of the gods to wear, and the breastplate which cost the Cyclopes who wrought it much sweat; he brandished aloft the spear that had its fill of blood in the war with the Titans; and he filled the fields with his chariot. With him went his train — Wrath accompanied by the Furies, and countless forms of bloody death; and Bellona, busy with the reins, urged on the four coursers with her fatal scourge. A fearful storm burst from the boundless sky and shrouded the earth, driving dark masses of stormy cloud. The land of Saturn trembled and shook at the approach of the god; and the Ticinus left its banks at the sound of the chariot and flowed backwards to its source.